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Anti-static flooring conductive self-adhesive copper foil tape

Anti-static Dust-free Conductive Copper Foil Tape

Epoxy anti-static flooring has the advantages of wear-resistant, high strength, moisture-proof, easy maintenance, rapid leakage of static charge, anti-static effectiveness lasting, etc., so it is widely used in computers, electronics, microelectronics, operating rooms, computer rooms and other special places.

Antistatic epoxy floor construction has the following steps

Waterproof treatment → plain ground treatment → epoxy primer → laying grounding copper mesh → antistatic mortar layer → antistatic putty layer → antistatic surface coating → line marking

  1. Waterproof treatment: according to the construction requirements and construction standards of the ground waterproof treatment, the ground floor needs to have been waterproof treatment.
  2. Plain ground treatment: Shovel out the old coating of loose drum, cracked parts should be cut and repaired flat, and then use the grinding tool to clean up the impurities of the plain ground, roughen the surface of the concrete, and use the industrial vacuum cleaner to clean up the dust completely.
  3. Epoxy primer: Adopt the epoxy primer with strong permeability and adhesion to roll 1 channel to enhance the surface adhesion.
Epoxy anti-static flooring

4. Laying of grounding copper foil net: conventional 0.05mm * 10mm * 50m specification is appropriate, if the self-adhesive copper foil is too thin in the construction is easy to be-pulled off, if the self-adhesive copper foil is too thick, then you need more paint to smoothen out the self-adhesive copper foil and the primer brought about by the difference in the thickness of the ground between the primer. After the copper foil laying is completed, there are at least two grounding ports in every 600 square meters of area, and after welding between copper wire and copper foil, the copper wire is then connected to the static electricity grounding port in the room leading to the outdoor area (unidirectional conduction). The static electricity can be smoothly conducted to the outdoor grounding conductive pile.

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